Client testimonial

Katerra D.

Highly recommend Kiner Legal Group. Even in the middle of complete chaos of custody issues and family matters they remain 100% focused on what really matters, the CHILDREN. They focus on protecting and doing what is best for the children. They answer all your questions and address your concerns in a way that helps you to make educated decisions based on what is best for the children. I truly appreciate everything he has done for our family and our children. His team took the time to help us explore every possible option along with potential outcomes so that we could focus on the impact that it would have on the children. Divorce and custody issues are very difficult and unfortunately have a tendency to bring out the worst possible side in people. Russ helped us remain focused and to not get dragged into the hurtful and vengeful behaviors of the opposing party. Truly believe in this legal team because he is straight forward and honest with you on all aspects of the situation. He does not tell you only what you want to hear like others have. Divorce is not a peaceful and pleasant experience; you won’t always get what you want but with Russ you WILL get what is best for the innocent CHILDREN who are stuck in this. I appreciate everything he did to prepare us for what all may happen. Always remember, just because you divorce your ex IT DOES NOT MEAN that the CHILDREN divorce them TOO.


Mr. and Mrs. X


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